領導力從綻放每個人的潛能開始                         Lead to Flourish                     

我們協助領導者與組織綻放       讓跨世代團隊發揮綜效       創造組織永續性的成長






  1. ASTD美國訓練與發展協會
  2. Hong Kong Best Practice
  3. 台灣 TTQS金牌
  4. 台灣國家訓練品質獎
  5. 台灣國家人力創新獎
  6. China Chain Award






欧莱雅中国 (莱雅集团)

Cedric Tao, Senior Manager, LUXE Division, 


Claire 黃惠芬 , HR Manager

Liteon 光寶科技

「Claudia觀察很深入及細膩,對人也很熱情,這次與她合作的團隊教練專案中,讓我看見把團體智慧的因素加入「PDP個人發展計劃教練過程」與傳統1 on 1 Coaching的方式是有很大的不同。
在Group Coaching期間,Coachees 會們聚在一起分享與觀摩彼此的PDP個人發展計劃進展情況,Coach會透過團體引導提問,幫助成員用不同的角度思考或把自己的想法回饋給對方,這使得組織內部的經驗可以交流與成長,Coach也會在過程中視參加者的需要帶入新工具技巧,讓大家可以有新的學習。
另一段1 on 1 coaching的部分,Coach能仔細深入跟進Coachee的PDP,幫助她/他進一步推展自己的PDP。

Sally Wong, HR Director

**** Electronic Business Machines (HK)

Claudia is definitely a vital person to count for our success!

In order to align with the company vision and enhance the company performance, our company has partnered with Claudia and her team to organize the Executives 1 on 1 Coaching on our top management.

Within 10 months time, we could see the transformation of the executive team from hesitation, participation to a complete trust. Regardless of the influence of Covid-19, Claudia has devoted herself to provide professional services to bring out the strength of individual & simultaneously helping them to remove their blind-spots. Being the coach of six coachees at the same time, she becomes part of us and guide us through generously sharing her precious leadership experience & knowledge. She has the charisma to inspire change in leaders.

Myself being one of the coachee and also the head of HR who runs this project, I appreciate her so much in her dedication, care, attentiveness and effort. She is not only a coach taking care of the business side, in fact she has helped me overcome many obstacles & milestones in my personal life. I am so impressed with her positive mindset, patience & experience.

With her expert facilitation and guidance throughout our PDPs Personal Development Plans, we could feel the much strengthened bonding and collective growth amongst the management team. With her passion & contribution, we are very optimistic for our future and really appreciate this valuable project for our company. Claudia is definitely a vital person to count for our success!

Jessie LinDir. Localization & Head of TW Site, Blizzard

Claudia's exceptional skills in communication and leadership coaching are evident from the get-go. Her approach is a seamless blend of practicality and innovative strategies that are not only easy to understand but also simple to implement. This made a significant difference in how I approached my role as an executive. Under her guidance, I've noticed a marked improvement in my ability to lead, strategize, and influence effectively.

Beyond her professional prowess, what makes Claudia truly stand out is her demeanour. She is incredibly friendly, thoughtful, and pleasant, creating an environment that is both motivating and comfortable for growth and learning. Her organizational skills ensure that every session is focused and productive.

I love the metaphors offered in the Integral Coaching approach ! I always keep them in mind now whenever and whatever I am doing. It gives me the power and direction to move further and faster to become the leader I aspire for.

What I found in Claudia was more than a coach; she was a transformative influence in both my personal and professional life.

Winnie Yang, 肯夢AVEDA總經理

「Claudia 是一位實際經驗非常豐富的企業教練,上課時總能展現她的豐富專業知識。對於學員的提問,她會用溫暖但堅定的提問方式,激發學員願意去深入挖掘自己內心深層的疑慮,往往能讓學員去覺察自己的盲點,從而提高其視野,因此深受肯夢團隊的喜愛。她兼具著的自信與親和力的態度,每次都讓課程滿意度超高。





曾經服務超過100 家 於兩岸三地的跨國企業以及中小企業。




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