Edward cheng 鄭博文
Talent Development Director - Taiwan- White Space Limited.
Coach and Facilitator
A Taiwanese gentleman who is experienced in human resources management across various industries, he holds the master degree in Education and Counselling from the National Tsing Hua University, and he is now a lecturer for the subject of Group Dynamics under the same faculty.
Edward had worked in the HR management roles for almost 18 years, and 2/3 of the time was working with the corporates' CEOs, thus he is very experienced in planning for organizations' people development strategies from the corporate level. Edward has strong expertise in helping the leaders to make impactful changes and enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of organisations through the establishment of systemic approach.
Edward possesses rich psychological background, and he is the Executive Coach to many corporate CEOs and top management, a researcher and an executor of the Systematic Group Coaching. Through the process of Group Facilitation and Group Coaching, and riding on the group dynamics, Edward enables the participants to be aware of their blind spots, to practice new behaviour, to remove any disturbance for changes, and thus to speed-up the goal achievement of these leaders and organisations.
Edward respects every individual's uniqueness, and he believes that everyone has his/her wisdom and values. Edward is good at facilitating group conversations and co-creation workshops, he is instrumental in moving the group by customizing the process, so as to involving those inexpressive ones to co-create and cooperate with others. Apart from the customized conversation process, Edward also got his strengths in the visual expression during the group conversations that he facilitates, this is attributed to Edward's virtue of art. He is good at using multi-media to facilitate teams and individuals for self-reflection and expression, and he can always lead others into deeper awareness and experience.
Edward has been awarded the National TrainQuali Prize, and the gold medal of TTQS(Taiwan TrainQuali System)for two times.
Edward has been working with clients from different industries, including Fubon Life Insurance, BMW, Deloitte, Impact Hub, Sunplus Technology, Quanta Computer, Taikoo Motors, M31 Technology and Hotai Motor, etc.
台灣人,具多個行業的豐富人力資源管理經驗, 清大教育與心理諮商學系碩士,現職清大教育與心理諮商學系團體動力講師。
Edward 過去有將近18年的HR主管經驗,有2/3的時間是跟企業的CEO一起工作,能夠從企業經營的高度來規劃組織的人才發展。協助主管不只是知道還要能夠做到,從系統性的角度完整的規劃與提升主管的關鍵能力以帶來組織的成效。
Edward曾經與不同行業的客戶合作,包括富邦人壽、BMW、Deloitte 、Impact Hub、凌陽科技、廣達電腦、太古汽車、円星科技、和泰汽車等。