Claudia Lau 劉凱銘
Talent Development Director - APAC- White Space Limited.
Leadership Coach and Facilitator
PCC- ICF 國際教練協會認證專業教練 PCC
Claudia is from Hong Kong, and she has lived in Taiwan since 2014, Claudia is an experienced leadership facilitator / coach in Asia, especially for the leaders in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China- with almost two decades of experience in the field.
Claudia is an Integral Coach, ICF certified Professional Coach and Change Facilitator who supports the integral development of organisations and individuals. Claudia is the Certified facilitator for multiple growth mindset programs, including 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Investment in Excellence from the Pacific Institute and Ripplemaker, etc.
Claudia worked in multi-national companies for many years, thus she could deeply appreciate the beauty and limitation of leadership styles in different cultures. She possesses nearly two decades of experience in leadership training and coaching across the Asia region, and she has helped over 5000 managers to grow and transform via her training and coaching. Through these valuable experiences, Claudia recognizes the strengths and blind spots that the Eastern leaders have in management, and she truly believes that sustainable changes must start from within.
Claudia is specialised in Positive Psychology, Strengths-Based Leadership and Integral Coaching. Her mission is bringing more meaningful growth, compassion and joy to the workplace through the above-mentioned approaches, Claudia believes that each one of us has the power to be the change that we wish to see in the world. She loves to help leaders listen to their wisdom, claim what makes them come alive and step out into their fullness.
The Talent Development Programs that Claudia designed, trained and coached has won various international awards, including The Association for Talent Development (ATD), Hong Kong Best Practice and ChAina Award, etc.
Claudia has worked with clients from various industries, including luxury retails, automobiles, finance and insurance, hi-tech, fashion and beauty, banking, manufacturing and logistics supply chain, etc. Clients including ASML, Cartier, Chanel, Canon, MTR, L'Oréal, BMW, Porsche, Taikoo Motors, Mercedez Benz, BLUEBELL Group, Mead Johnson, LiteOn, SSSTC, Synopsis, Fubon, Nan Fung Group, Modern Terminals, FOX, KK Company, Moore Stephens, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, etc.
香港人,現居台灣, 兩岸三地領導力引導師/教練。
高階教練,國際教練協會ICF認證專業教練PCC、多個心態成長課程的認證導師,包括:高效人士的7習慣、美國太平洋學院Investment in Excellence 與 Ripplemaker 等。
Claudia 在跨國企業工作多年,對不同文化的領導風格有一定的瞭解。她同時擁有超過15年兩岸三地的領導力訓練和教練經驗,曾經透過訓練與教練協助超過5000位經理人成長銳變。透過這些難得的經驗,Claudia更認識到華人的領導者在管理上的優勢與需要突破的盲點,並深深相信真正的改變一定要發自內在,才會有長久的效果。
Claudia擅長於正向心理學(Positive Psychology)、優勢領導力(Strengths-Based Leadership)以及教練(Coaching)。 個人使命是透過以上三個方向,為職場帶來更多和平、快樂與成長,讓職場成個人與組織同步綻放的舞台。
Claudia參與設計、訓練與教練的人才發展計劃曾經奪得多個國際獎項,包括:ASTD美國訓練與發展協會、Hong Kong Best Practice 與ChAina Award等。
Claudia曾經與不同行業的客戶合作,包括奢侈品、汽車、保險、科技業、美妝、銀行、製造業、物流供應鏈等。客戶包括:ASML, Cartier, Chanel、港鐵MTR、歐萊雅集團(萊雅)、BMW、太古汽車、Mercedez Benz 賓士、Porsche 、 BLUEBELL集團、KK BOX、Canon、 TSMC、 美贊臣、光寶科技、富邦、國泰世華銀行、 南豐集團、現代貨箱碼頭、FOX、Moore Stephens、香港大學、香港浸會大學等。