Eric Tseng 曾士民
Facilitator For Vision and Strategic Meetings
Expert for Service Culture Revamp
- Group Consensus Facilitation 團隊共識
- Vision and Strategies Workshop 願景策略會議
- Facilitative Leadership 引導式領導力
Eric has worked at IBM for 25 years, holding a management position for 15 years. He has strong leadership and communication skills that help him succeed in matrix designed organizations. He received IBM GCG Manager Eminence Award. He has overseen six different departments with sound performance during his tenure. His management experience is a valuable asset that tremendously supports his teaching and facilitating.
Eric is passionate for employee development, training and facilitation. He designed and facilitated workshops for IBM leaders across the Asian region. He was responsible for the Manager Development Program, High Potential Development Program, and the Service Unit Best Practice Harvest Workshop. He support changes for business units through the co-creation and co-design of workshops with BU leaders to increase customer satisfaction. Eric is instrumental in managing programs to sustain the impact of changes.
After Eric's retirement from IBM in 2015, he dedicates himself in the field of facilitation and leadership development. He integrate different theories and practices into his facilitation model to support clients to achieve a variety of business goals. Eric support school teachers and principles to transform the classroom and Taiwan education by using facilitation approach. He delivered more than 100+ workshop at schools in Taiwan in the past two years. He also facilitates strategic meetings for the government and Non-profit organizations.
He enjoys reading, yoga and meditation. His vision is use facilitation to make Taiwan a better home.
Some of the clients Eric has worked with include Corning Display Technology, Mediatek, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pfizer, DKSH, BSHBosch/Siemens/ Home, PHILIPS, FoxConn, Drager Safety, UMC, WRIGLEY, ...etc.
Eric在IBM工作了25年,擔任管理職位15年。他具有強大的領導能力和溝通能力,可幫助他在矩陣設計的組織中取得成功。他獲得了IBM GCG傑出獎。任職期間,他監督了六個部門,並取得了良好的業績。他的管理經驗是寶貴資產,極大地支持了他的教學和引導。
Eric曾與之合作的一些客戶包括康寧科技,聯發科技,百時美施貴寶,輝瑞,DKSH,博世/西門子/安捷倫,PHILIPS,富士康,德拉格安全,聯電,箭牌, Yahoo, 國泰世華銀行, 晶睿通訊.......等。
這個單元 "高效會議的主持與引導 " 焦點放在身為Leader我們怎麼設計與帶領一場好的會議. 共分三集.
第一集:不同的會議型態想達到的目的不同, 要有不同的引導重點. 三大類會議型態, 以及三種會議型態在主持與引導要注意的重點.
這個單元 "高效會議的主持與引導 " 焦點放在身為Leader我們怎麼設計與帶領一場好的會議. 共分三集.
第二集:Leader 如何根據決策參與度設計對應的會議討論流程, 這當中依據決策參與度的高低與溝通討論程度, 有三種不同的參與度與帶領討論重點.
這個單元 "高效會議的主持與引導 " 焦點放在身為Leader我們怎麼設計與帶領一場好的會議. 共分三集.
第三集:Leader如何負籌劃與執行的責任, 規劃設計高效會議的帶領, 運用流程設計創造團隊的集體智慧, 當中介紹一個高效會議引導力金三角的架構.
看完三集的高效會議的主持與引導介紹, 若對於如何協助主管具備高效會議與引導的技巧有興趣的夥伴, 可點選以下課程介紹了解整體的課程框架內容介紹與說明