Jessica Yu 俞雲眉
Coach 企業教練
Talent Development Consultant 人才發展顧問
- Executive Coaching 高管教練
- Team Leadership Coaching 團隊教練
- Future Thinking 未來思考
- Group Consensus Facilitation 團隊共識引導
- Hogan Assessment 測評認證顧問
Jessica has 27 years of experience in establishing HR system, structure and organization development in Taiwan and Pacific Region (HK, China, Singapore, Korea) as well. She is good at supporting organizations' development from the start-up phase, helping them build solid foundation through strategy alignment, leadership development and culture transformation. Apart from her remarkable experience in the Telecom industry, she has worked with clients in the sectors of Semiconductor, Pharmaceutical, Consumer industries and Universities.
As a skilled coach and facilitator, Jessica is empathetic, people-oriented and driven to take new challenges. She brings strategic mindset to help individuals and teams to identify their strengths and development needs.
Since 2015, she has dedicated herself in coaching leaders in non-profit organizations, social enterprises and growing startups. She also provides one-on-one coaching for young leaders and deepen their learning through Action Learning Coach Circle. Jessica is also a founding member of Happier Café Space Project, an organization that promotes Positive Psychology in Taiwan.
Her strong experience in Leadership development helps organizations transform and shape culture based on core values.
Some of the clients Jessica has worked with include, Far EasTone, New Century Infocomm, Tecktronix, Alcatel, WPG Holdings Limited, Fresenius KABI, LeeZen Co., COWealth Medical Science & Biotechnology, Hahow, House of Dreams, United Way Organization, Teach for Taiwan, Academy of Non-duality, etc.
Jessica 過去在人力資源領域約三十幾年,在跨國企業電信、資訊設備、以及台灣上市公司。期間有六年時間負責亞太地區人力資源功能的建立,包含台灣、香港、中國、韓國、新加坡。負責固網營運從籌備到正式營規劃建立人力資源的制度,因應電信數位匯流行網、固網、網際網路組織合併、規劃人才布局、建立文化價值觀等經驗。擅長組織文化轉型與溝通規劃; 策略與管理制度連結;人才發展機制與運作; 組織診斷、人力資源制度規劃建立等。
她充滿正面的能量,對人充滿同理、支持,喜歡面對挑戰與學習新的領域。離開職場曾在Happier Cafe更快樂實驗室,一起推動更快樂女人系列,現在夢想之家、卓青不二學堂等年輕世代提供開放對話、探索可能性的未來、生涯規劃等。同時參與協助不同型態社會企業、新創組織建立文化、核心價值、連接人力資源功能;也為大型企業轉型引導領導者對話、改變觀點以產生影響,為新世代主管進行一對一教練等。
Jessica 曾與之合作的一些客戶包括 遠傳,大聯大、費森尤斯醫療、里仁事業、Hahow好學校、夢想之家、康師傅集團、合富上海....New Century Infocomm,Tecktronix,阿爾卡特,WPG Holdings Limited,Fresenius KABI,COWealth Medical Science&Biotechnology,United Way Organization,Teach for Taiwan等。