Olivia specialized in luxury retail training within luxury brands over 20 years of solid and practical experiences of training function management, people development, project management, specifically focusing on luxury Strategy and tactics management and strategies planning, to build learning support system, well capable to design and develop Best Brand Ambassador Program, to boost employee engagement and drive profitability for business impact.
Her core capabilities and experience including luxury goods advance selling skills on Fashion / High-end Jewellery & watches professionals/customer experience Journey design /History of Luxury/ Luxury business strategy/Developing foresight retail trends/ Story telling / Coaching for engagement leadership/leading change / talent development / Focus Group facilitation/ in order to meet business needs for the future challenge, Well versed in major retail top brands. Expertise in consultative luxury goods selling, exceptional customer service and customer experience management (CEM), to switch their focus from past old pattern into future indispensable behavioral scope. To transform learning focus into Sales Performance, shaping the future of retail business.
She also an certified experienced assessor, observer and facilitator, in recent years has focused on organization of people and leadership development, designed and delivered over many thousands of hours training, including TTT program/ Learning focus solution/ problem solving / accountability / leading change, constantly seeks innovative and alternative approach ways to help organizations establish learning culture & environments for Building 'Great Retail People'
Experienced work background to established Retail Academy and currently leads three different training development teams to develop training programs with different luxury brand training and retail team for business and talent development, to equip a new generation of retail managers with the critical skills and the unique specificities required for managing a luxury retail space, provide retail talent with the key to open the doors of Retail unique world to retail business.
- 奢侈品銷售技巧
- 零售發展管理
- 時尚及高級珠寶及腕表專業
- 說故事的技巧
- 卓越的客戶服務培訓
- 客戶關係及獨特體驗管理
- 專業銷售輔導技巧
- 領導力及人員管理等人才發展計畫專案管理
- 個人專業培訓
培訓經驗超過數千個小時,培訓範圍遍佈兩岸三地及歐洲國家,豐富和成功的銷售管理經驗以及培訓背景,並獲得多項國際專業培訓機構所頒發的培訓師資格認證,其中包括內部講師培訓、專業教練、溝通技巧、問題解決模式、領導力提升與變革管理、行動學習發展等, 不斷尋求創新的培訓模式, 來協助組織的發展與提升。
經驗豐富的工作背景,具有建立奢侈品零售學院的實戰經驗,開發專業培訓專案項目,與不同的奢侈品牌培訓和零售業務和人才開發團隊一起合作, 為新一代的奢侈品零售管理所需的關鍵技能和獨特的奢侈品零售提升空間,提供零售人才的關鍵方案,打開門的零售零售業務的獨特世界。